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A Top 500 Veteran Rants About Overwatch 2
Why I HATE Overwatch 2 CURRENTLY...(Rant)
Overwatch 2 is Still Dead and Blizzard Still Sucks (RANT)
How Overwatch 2 Became The Worst Rated Game In History
The Day That Overwatch 2 Died
The FALL of Overwatch 2
Overwatch 2 is Dying, and Overwatch is Killing It (State of Overwatch 2 Rant)
I Quit Overwatch | A Top 500's Perspective
Overwatch 2 a Pathetic Sequel
Overwatch 2 is Unacceptable Garbage
A rant about Overwatch 2
Overwatch 2: Another Hate Filled Critique of 5v5